Thursday, February 22, 2018

Snow Falling From Cedars - Gravitational Crystalline Sloughing


Phrase of the Day – Gravitational Crystalline Sloughing  (Common Name: Snow Drop)

The act of snow falling from tree limbs, power lines, roofs, or other places during a thaw.

Crystalline Sloughing, Heads up
“Twang!” the limbs recoil

This is a phrase a former journalist friend and I made up today as he described snow falling from fir trees in his back yard. Sounds impressive. No?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Time's Up - Missed Deadlines

Deadline ● /DED-line/ ● Noun – 1: a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot 2 a: a date or time before which something must be done b: the time after which copy is not accepted for a particular issue of a publication

Those dratted deadlines
Immutable march of time
Missed. Copy now dead

Word Origins, “Wonderopolis

The term “deadline” has uncertain origins. The earliest uses of the word appear to have referred simply to lines that did not move. This usage may have developed into “deadline” being used around the time of the Civil War as a term related to prisons, meaning a line that could not be crossed by prisoners.

Eventually, the term began to be used by journalists in the sense we know today. This was most likely the result of the design of early printing presses that featured a guideline on the printing plate. Any text inside the line would be printed. Any text outside the line — the “deadline” — would not be printed and would “die.”