Phantasm /FAN-taz-zum/ Noun – 1: a product of fantasy: as a:
delusive appearance: illusion b: ghost, specter c: a figment of the imagination
2: a mental representation of a real object.
Gargoyle \GAR-goyl\ Noun – 1a: a spout in the form of a
grotesque human or animal figure projecting from a roof gutter to throw
rainwater clear of a building b: a grotesquely carved figure 2: a person with
an ugly face
Concrete \CON-creet\
Noun – 1: a mass formed by concretion or coalescence of separate particles of
matter in one body 2: a hard strong building material made by mixing a
cementing material (such as portland cement) and a mineral aggregate (such as
sand and gravel) with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the
entire mass 3: a waxy essence of flowers prepared by extraction and evaporation
and used in perfumery
Zero-Sum \ZEER-oh-SUM\Adjective – Of, relating to, or being a situation (such as a game or
relationship) in which a gain for one side entails a corresponding loss for the
other side.