Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Sad Skywaves

Voices in the sky

Where the cedars meet the sea

Farewell K-G-Y

Monday, December 9, 2024

The Nose Knows

Osmophobia/oz-moe-FOE-bee-uh/ Noun – Intolerance of or hypersensitivity to smells, also: aversion to or dislike of odors.

     Fear the lowly skunk

     The nose knows about bad smells


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

An Aerial Busby Berkeley Show

Murmuration \murm-uh-RAY-shun\ Noun – 1: the act of murmuring: the utterance of low continuous sounds or complaining noises 2: A flock of starlings: usually flying in large formations.

     Synchronized in flight.

     Murmuration of starlings.

     Tiny sky dancers.

Busby Berkeley: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busby_Berkeley

Monday, November 20, 2023

Pathos on the Classroom Floor

Oh, man.

A friend who teaches middle school found this note on her classroom floor. Not much could be more evocative and pang-inducing than this.

     A cry from the heart

     Read pathos between the lines.

     Hi. Do you like me?

Shades of Dan Fogelberg's “Another Ald Lang Syne:”

     Just for a moment, I was back at school.

     And felt that old, familiar pain.

Monday, April 3, 2023

I Talk to the Trees…

Psithurism /SITH-yuh-rizz-um/ Noun – A rustling or whispering sound, such as leaves in the wind; susurration.


     Soft forest breezes

     Sweet, sighing psitherism

     Trees’ whispered love song